Use this form to upload your documents and submit your questions for a complimentary price quote.
Please upload a copy of your POA sample for power of attorney (POA) applications. If you don’t have a POA sample, please list the powers you’d like to assign to your agent. We’ll also ask you to email us a copy of your valid passport and U.S. ID/DL, your agent’s information including but not limited to their full name, bar number if they’re an attorney, and a copy of their passport, as such. If you’d like to accelerate the process, please submit all documents at once. Turkish citizens can get a POA at the Turkish Consulate and/or with an Apostille certificate. Non-Turkish citizens can ONLY get a POA with an Apostille certificate in the U.S.
For other inquiries, please state the purpose of this document. What is the end use of this document? How do you intend to use these documents? Feel free to share the instructions given to you. The more information you share, the better we can guide you.
Are you not sure what is needed? You may benefit from our project management services – where we determine and facilitate the required applications and documentation.